
Privacy setting for stories

Cheehan Tee 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 4

From a beta user:

Just wondering, who can see my stories? Are there different privacy settings? 


You can now control who can see your stories on Roam7. You can choose "friends", "friends of friends" or "everyone". 
For now, all stories are publicly accessible by default. We do plan to add privacy controls. Let us know how important/urgent this feature is to you.
For now, all stories are publicly accessible by default. We do plan to add privacy controls. Please let us know how important/urgent this feature is to you. 
I think ultimately it would affect how much I post on Roam7 - if I know that things are publicly accessible, I would edit/sort through my photos more and the time required for that probably would affect the amount of content that I post.
We hear ya, we'll be prioritizing privacy settings.
I think that when I wrote a comment on a friends album (they must have uploaded it to Roam7 from a facebook album), that the comment I wrote (via Roam7) then appeared on their facebook account.
How does this work with the privacy settings? i.e. if someone, not my facebook friend, comments on my album (in Roam7)
In this particular case - i.e. someone who's not your Facebook friend comments on your story in Roam7. If the corresponding album on Facebook is open to all, you'll see the comment on Facebook. If the album is open to friends only, the comment will not appear on your Facebook, it will just appear on Roam7.
You can now control who can see your stories on Roam7. You can choose "friends", "friends of friends" or "everyone".